

Propane That Works as Hard as You Do

Whether you’re heating your home, running your business, or powering your farm, propane is a dependable energy source that keeps things moving. At UFC, we make propane easy with services designed to save you time, money, and hassle—so you can focus on what matters most.

  • Residential

    Keep your home warm and energy-efficient.

  • Commercial

    Power your business with reliable propane solutions.

  • Agriculture

    From grain drying to livestock facilities, we’ve got you covered.


Delivery Options

  • Scheduled Delivery. Let us take the pressure off you. We will monitor and fill your tank automatically when it is needed. 
  • Will-Call Delivery. Customer is responsible for checking the gauge and ordering propane when the tank is around 20%, giving us about a 5 day window to deliver your propane.

Payment Plans & Budgeting

  • Budget Plans. Set your budget with an even monthly payment for either your propane or home heating oil. Sign up for ACH withdrawals to make your payment automatic each month.

  • Contracting.  Either prepay your gallons or lock in the price and pay when you get the delivery.

Tank Options & Monitoring:

  • Tank Monitoring. Have the information in the palm of your hand with our customer portal. 
  • Forklift Cylinders & Temp Tank Programs. We offer temp tanks to keep your construction or other project running smoothly, safely, and on time, no matter the weather. 
  • Tank Sizing. Tanks are available to rent and or purchase 120 gallons to 1,000. Larger tanks up to 30,000 gallons are available for lease or purchase; see Tank Lease-to-Own option. We also offer underground tanks and installation.

Tank Lease-to-Own Option

Get the storage you need with flexible ownership options. Interested in Lease-to-Own? Contact us at (507) 232-1048 to learn more about our flexible tank ownership options.

Service & Safety:

Your safety is always a top priority. We’ll ensure your propane system is properly sized, inspected, and operating efficiently, so you can rest easy knowing your energy needs are in good hands.

  • Installation, Repairs & Upgrades. Our qualified service techs handle everything from tank installs to heater repairs.
  • Service, repairs and installation of heaters and tanks for all your propane needs.
  • Inspections and upgrades for safety and performance.
  • Qualified service techs to help with any propane project.
  • Propane Safety Resources. Learn more 

Become a UFC Propane Customer

If you are a first time customer, complete and submit a credit application. A member of our energy team will process your application.

Or › Download the Credit App ‹ and mail it back to UFC / PO Box 461 / Winthrop, MN.
Please ensure you've properly signed the application before mailing.


Propane Service and 24-Hour Emergency Propane Service

Northern Trade Area

For the northern United Farmers Cooperative trade area of Hennepin, Wright, Carver, McLeod and Scott counties
call (952) 442-2126.

Southern Trade Area

For the southern United Farmers Cooperative trade area of Sibley, LeSeuer, Blue Earth, Brown, Meeker, Renville, and Nicollet,

call (507) 232-1048.

This number can also be used for United Natural Gas questions and emergencies.

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