Grain Policies and Resources
It takes a lot of teamwork to get the most out of your crop. Control the things you can by following our harvest policies and taking advantage of our full list of grain resources:
It takes a lot of teamwork to get the most out of your crop. Control the things you can by following our harvest policies and taking advantage of our full list of grain resources:
Also called Open Storage. Patron retains ownership of delivered grain. Can take a warehouse receipt, can apply to forward contracts, and can load out upon request. At harvest we charge a minimum for storage because elevator bin space is limited. $.06/ Month No Minimum Charge, grain is charged a daily rate until bushels are sold.
$.04/ Month No minimum Charge, grain is charged a daily rate until bushels are sold. $0.04/month (title passes to UFC) “DP” grain the ownership of grain transfers to the coop upon delivery. Which is why “DP” grain cannot be applied to forward contracts or loaded out, the patron must price based upon the posted bid for his/her grain.
* No free time
**Any grain left on storage for over one year will have a storage rate of $0.05/month.
Commercial Storage and Delayed Price
*Corn Drying will remain at $0.055/point of moisture with a 1.4% shrink.
**Moisture discounts and shrink will be calculated to each 1/10th of a point
Moisture discounts start at 13.1%. Soybean moisture discounts will be 1% of the price each .5 point of moisture over 13% to 14%. From 14% to 16% discounts will be 2% of the price each .5 point of moisture. From 16% to 18% discounts will be 3% of the price each .5 point of moisture or subject to rejection.
*There will be no averaging of grades for Corn or Soybeans
$.20 load-out fee for custom-dried corn
These are bushels that the patron intends to store in their own facility or deliver someplace else (usually HCP for our patrons) within a week. As stated above 5 days. Custom dry corn is charged drying and shrink down to 14%. During harvest, “full storage charges” would be the 10-cent minimum if not loaded out in 5 days. And as stated above the patron is always charged a 20-cent load-out fee whenever they remove corn from one of our elevators.
*Custom Dried Corn must be loaded out in 5 days or full storage will be assessed on those bushels.