Reinvesting for Safety, Capitalizing on Efficiency


At the last annual meeting, your board of directors and leadership team reported on the financial strength of your cooperative. The financial success was made possible largely thanks to your support and loyalty. Because of your loyalty, we’ve had a great opportunity to reinvest in your cooperative to increase operational efficiencies and improve the safety of employees.

By mid-summer, our fuel trucks will hit the road with upgraded, bottom-loading capabilities allowing for quicker and safer fuel loading for our drivers. Rather than climbing to the top of the truck, our drivers can keep their feet safely planted on the ground, eliminating the risk of slips and falls. Keeping our team injury-free allows us to operate at 100% and continue to meet your needs.

Like any operation, when you make one upgrade you realize the other areas that need upgrading, too. Growers, I know you can relate! When you get a bigger combine, you need a bigger grain cart, beefier tractor, and maybe a larger bin, too.

If you’re making improvements within your operation, don’t forget to look at the size of your fuel tank, too. As a general rule, we recommend having enough fuel on hand for one fill in spring and three fills in fall. Not only does this increase your efficiency, it also lets you capitalize on favorable market prices when they arise.

If you’re looking to upgrade your fuel tank, now is the perfect time to get in touch! Call us at 507-232-1048, and we will help determine the ideal tank size for your operation. Take advantage of our convenient five-year financing program that allows you to spread out the cost over an extended period.

I also want to remind you that we offer daily contracting options for fuel and propane. Markets can fluctuate rapidly. Our team monitors and adjusts contract pricing every day. Locking in known input costs now lets you better estimate your position ahead of the season. Reach out so we can talk about how contracting gives you some certainty during uncertain times.

We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to help your operation succeed!

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