Our records indicate that the following individuals were issued a payment(s) that is still outstanding.
Per our bylaws: This Cooperative may distribute any unclaimed property which has been reported as unclaimed property to the Commissioner of Commerce of the State of Minnesota, to a corporation or organization which is exempt from taxation under Minnesota law. The rights of an owner to unclaimed property shall be extinguished upon the disbursement of the property to a tax-exempt organization in accordance with Minnesota law.
In Minnesota, an unclaimed property check is any check that is over 7 years old. Once an uncashed check has reached this age, the Payee will lose all rights to those funds and they will be disbursed to a tax-exempt organization per United Farmers Cooperative bylaws.
If your name is on this list, please contact Sarah Johnson at 507-232-1003 or by email at Sarah.Johnson@ufcmn.com to start the process of having a check reissued.
Pay to Order of:
A.B.S. Services Inc
Adolfson & Peterson Inc
Agland Development
Al Mogensen
Allen J Stauffer
Alvin J Bergs
Alvin O Kaiser
Amberg Partnership
Andrew Allen
Anthony H Lueck
Anthony Kostecky
Anthony Savage
Aquatic Harvesters
Arlan N Opstedal
Austin Padgett
BAM Pork Partnership
Bar L Ranche
Barbara Heille
Barbara Kosch
Bartels Truck Line Inc
Beckman Coulter Inc
Ben Loftness
Bergeron Construction
Bert Wilson
Bev J Burns
Beverlee Hood
Big Stone Inc
Bill Arbes
Bob Adams
Brad Goebel
Brad Platz
Brad Theisen
Brad’s Lawn Care
Brent Johnson
Brent Melsha
Brian Brandt
Brian J Shermock
Brian Wieland
Brooke Dillion
Bruce & Judy Leivermann
Bruce Carmichiel
Bruce Fitzke
Capa Sheep Company
Carol Fortwengler
Chad A Berthiaume
Charles A Wellens
Charles M Koosman
Chris B Stephan
Chris Christiansen
Chris Conlon
Christine Gay
Christopher P Link
City of New Auburn Relief Assn
Cologne Milling Co
Connie R Enge
Country Kennels
Cunningham Advertising
Curtis Bembenek
Cynthia L Rompf
D C V Biologics
D G B Inc
Dagne L Florine
Dale D Rossing
Dale Kisch
Dale Rock
Dale Stern
Dan McGuire
Dan T Roth
Daniel F Kokesh
Daniel Justen
Daniel Schilling
Daniel W Lange
Darrell Eckblad
Daryl Panning
Daryl Rustad
Dave J Hawkins
Davey Tree Expert Company-151032
David A Swanson
David Freberg
David G Frank
David J Cox
David J Grommesch
David L Hartmann
David Oertel
David P Modrow
David R Hauserman
David Steinhaus
David Wall
Davis Motorsports
Dean Klitzke
Debra J Rohloff Estate
December Maurer
Deep Tine LLC
Dennis J Byerly
Dennis Major
Diane Siegman
Dittrich of MN Inc
Donald J Dolezal
Donald J Martin
Donald L Carlson
Donald Olson
Donavon Schiro
Double J Dairy
Doug Bening
Doug W Schultz
Douglas A Florine
Douglas Flantz
Douglas Kienholz
Douglas M Holmgren
Douglas Schulte
Dressel Construction LLC
Duane C Swenson
Duane Olson Estate
Duane R Anderson
Ed J Portner
Elizabeth M Trepanier
Elm Apartments
Elna K McCutchen
Elroy Wellmann
Erik Dean
Ervin Rose & Sons
Erwin Picha
Erwin Ruschmeyer
Ethan Effertz
Expressions Family Hair Care
Fairhaven Farms
Fairmont Farms LLC
Fairway Store
Farmland Industries
Farr Construction
Firefly Farm Inc
Fodness Feed Service
Franz Lubenow
Fremont Franta
Fulco Construction
Gaberial Taralseth
Gail M Estenson
Gail Mayer
Gale C Schauer Estate
Gannon Elevator Co
Gary Dickman
Gary Dummer
Gary E Elling
Gary E Rose
Gary Haley
Gene R Lehman
General Foods Mfg Corp
Genuine Auto Parts
George M Riviere
George Rogich
Georgene Holasek
Gerald & Dan Willaert
Gerald A Cichon
Gerald Beranek
Gerald M Kirby Jr
Gerald R Ess
Gerald Willaert
Geri Simpson
Gitter Farms Inc
Gordon Grack
Green Acres
Green Oaks Ranch & Stable
Greenline Farms
Greg Lemond
Greg Schelitzche
Gregory A Warren
Hannah Theisen Walsh
Hanson Turkeys Inc
Harold Woodward
Harry R Husmann
Hauser Lumber Co
Henry Herrmann Jr
Hermies Bait Bar & Grill
Heymann Construction
Hidden Lake Farm
Hilda Rodriguez
Hilltop Dairy
Holasek Green Houses
Hollywood Ranch House
Howard Berg
Irvin Hummer
Irvin Margolis
Iver Johnson
J Lonny Hughes
Jack Rupert
Jackie Fehn
Jacob J Enter
James A Wallert
James Brodigan
James C Burns
James E Dabe
James E Tuller
James Jaszewski
James L Wolff
James M Compton
James N Kass
James W Ackley
Janet Koch
Janssen Performance Horses
Jasper Development
Jay B Janowski
Jay Sumpter
Jayne Nord
Jeanette Carlson
Jeff Mosel
Jeff Ziegler
Jeffrey F Schneider
Jeffrey L Peterson
Jerome “Jerry” Regensche
Jerry Uecker
Jerry Wendinger
Jim L Kindy
Jim Neises Trucking
Joann E Griepentrog
Jodee Steffl
Joe H Bertrang
Joe J Schepers
Joe Mcandrews
Joe Trebesch
Joe Wertish
Joel D Theis
John B Massopust
John Elwell
John Forsberg Estate
John Kading Estate
John L Goedert
John Prokosch
John Schwab Testamentary
John T Kramer
Jon G Olson
Jordan Nordstrom
Joseph M Boettcher
Judy Danberry
Judy Peterson
Julianna & Archie Zahler
K & S Tools
Kago Farms
Katherine C Bryant
Kathie Walker
Kathy Aufderheide
Kathy Lundquist
Keith D Servin
Kelly D Dixon
Ken Howay
Kenneth F Gongoll
Kenneth R Tupa
Kenneth S Ohlsson
Kevin A Provo
Kevin J Buss
Kevin Jones
Kevin L Clough
Kim Anderson
Kleinbank Waconia
Klimmek Farms Inc
Kris Gisselberg
Kromer Co
Lafayette Block & Tile
Lana J Schulz
Lance A Piepenburg
Lance Beaulieu
Larrie L Sund
Larry B Johnson
Larry E Vohs
Larry Netland
Larry Ruhland
Larry W Baker
Lee R Harrison
Leon Alsleben
Linda Soukup
Linda Theis
Loraine Nelson
Lori Hardel
Louis Melius
Louise Schwartz
Lowell Steffl Jr
Lyle Woehler
Lynn C Munsell
Marc D Cabot
Margaret Boeder
Margaret Wagner
Marge Blair
Marilyn R Powers
Mark A Herzog
Mark A Norberg
Mark Anderson
Mark Anhalt
Mark Dammers
Mark Dietz
Mark J Kiefer
Mark J Turner
Mark Lieske
Mark Moses
Mark Uherka
Mark Walter
Mark Woitas
Marty Bethke
Mary Cameron
Mary Gray
Mary O Jaworsky
Matthew Messner
Melvin F Rettmann
Metro Game Birds
Michael A Kelly
Michael C Crosby
Michael Davis
Michael F Willey
Michael J Arl Hartmann
Michael J Barron
Michael J Miller
Michael R Schmieg
Michael Steinhaus
Michael T Oman
Micheal E Boll
Midwest Asphalt Corporation
Mike Heideman
Mike Kopel
Mike Shure
Minnesota Logworks Inc
Minnesota-Victoria Oil
Mitch L Kezar
Mitchell Sullivan
MN Junior Angus Association
MN Valley Forest Prod
Monfort Pork Inc
N D H Inc
Nancy Jo Hoff
Nathan C Rudeen
Nick R Major
Norman Albers
NU Tech
Nyen Excavating Inc
Olson Cattle Co
Ottawa Fur Farm
Palmer Feedlot
Parley Lake Winery LLP
Patricia M Metcalf
Patricia Townsdin-Woodruff
Patrick Mcluen
Patrick & Yv Krause
Patrick S Robinson
Patt O’neill
Paul Barchenger
Paul E Knudsen
Paul H Beaudoin
Paul J Offerman
Paula Savaryn
Peoples Elevator Inc
Peter C Macpherson
Peter Collins
Peter K Frost
Peter M Coyne
Peter Olson Sons
Prahl Bros
Preferred Paving
R & H Plumbing
Ram Building Supply
Randall Lian
Randall Wittenberg
Randy D Weibel
Randy Krippner
Read Custom Landscaping
Richard “Rick” Tanner
Richard A Olsen
Richard A Priester
Richard Blaha
Richard M Hoppe
Richard Prahl
Richard R Franck
Richard Shorey
Rick Keck
Ries Bros
Robert A Christensen
Robert A Poehler
Robert Haas
Robert Heinze
Robert J Knoebel
Robert J Lachermeier
Robert M Matz
Robert Newgord
Robert W Miller
Roberts & Dybdahl
Roger Buhr
Roger C Schroeder
Roger Dahm
Rohan Stables
Ron McCabe
Ron R Symanitz
Ronald L Grochow
Ronald R Hartung
Ronald Rose
Ron’s Repair
Ross Riebe
Roy Pikal
Rusty Redning
Sam Montgomery Estate
Samuel J Poole (Rose)
Sandra Winterfeldt
Sandy Schow
Schmit Farm
Schramm Wallpapering
Schwans Food Co
Scott D Koehnen
Scott D Lindemann
Scott Doering
Scott I Johnson
Scott O Fasching
Scott R Rosenlund
Sharon Hts Farms
Sherwyn Berg
Sidney L Roepke
Sommers Grain & Feed
Sondergaard-Forcier Bldrs
Speedy Market
Spring Green Enterprises
St George Catholic Church
Stanley McDonald
Steiner Construction
Stephen C Robinson
Stephen Kittelson
Stephen L Bolea
Steve Howe
Steve R Petrich
Steve Seely
Steven Daves
Steven P Brandt
Steven R Bartelmehs
Sue Achman
Sullivan Trust Acct
Susan Bloomquist
Susan M Hartinger
Swift & Co Inc
Sylvester Pfarr Estate
Team Lawn
Tech Ambulance
Terry A Peterson
Terry Bros Inc
Terry Sonnentag
Terry W Boettcher
Terry Wickenhauser
The Hanor Company of Wisconsin, LLC
Thomas A Flug
Thomas C Walters
Thomas Sirovy
Thomas Webster
Thom-Crest Farms
Tim Sifferath
Timothy A Cleveland
Timothy J Colliton
Timothy Mix
Tobin D Emrich
Todd K Wandersee
Todd Siegfried
Tom Binczik
Tom Isenberg
Tom Kienlen
Tom Van Donselaar
Top Farm Hybrids Inc
Tracy Olene
Tracy Sanchez
Trevor Elhard
Triple B Farms
Troy A Arneson
Troy D Strube
Troy R Schmidt
Twin City Mold
Twyla Fredin
Vanderlinde Bus
Vernon Johnson
Vernon Olsen
Victoria E Blosjo
W Hodgman & Sons
Waconia Land\Catt
Wallner Construction
Walter & Wally Peterson
Walter Peik Estate
Wayne Augustine
Wayne Schoper
Webster Bros
Weinand Livestock
Will Schabert
William D Jeske
William J Bartolic III
William J Kemp
William Novasad Jr
William S Holland
Wiman Manufacturing
Wizard Landscaping
Woods Repair
Young America LLC